Green Sweat Bee ๐Ÿ’š

Another little green sweat bee appeared today. They donโ€™t make an appearance often so I lucked out getting this shot. This is an interesting fact about these solitary bees who nest alone. They dig burrows deep in the ground to lay their eggs. Sometimes these nests are communal, where a burrow entrance is shared by group of females. Each female branches out from the entrance to create her own tunnel where she nests alone and takes care of her own young. The responsibility of guarding the main entrance is shared among the group. Do you think they have arguments about whose turn it is to guard the entrance? You know they do! โ˜บ


Another World

I displayed this at a recent photography show and a woman made an interesting comment about this image.  It's almost as if there is another world inside the little droplet and you are looking in - I never thought of it that way, but now that's all I think about when I see it (like we are watching The Truman Show).  :)  This is not manipulated - that is how it looked on the blade of the grass (the image is flipped though).
