Macro Image of the Day
Itβs a fly that resembles a monkey :)
Harry :)
Hairy Caterpillar Macro
Asian Lady Beetle
Say Cheese
They're Back....
Have you ever seen the way a praying mantis rocks back and forth right before they are about to attack (or just jump to another spot) - it is extremely creepy. This one was rocking when I took this, but luckily he just jumped to another spot. :)
They're Back!
I have been waiting for a mantis to favorite to photograph. :)
Macro Image of the Day
I think this is a baby cricket, but not 100% certain. I thought it could be a leafhopper, but I get conflicting results when trying to determine what this is exactly. Does anyone know for certain?
Macro Image of the Day
Did you know that if a dragonfly lands on your head, it will bring you good luck? :)
Macro Image of the Day
The green lynx spider and its prey that never had a chance. :)
The Fly
It may not be the prettiest portrait subject...:)
Macro Work
A few of my favorites using the Sigma ART 105mm Macro lens. I never thought I would be out actively searching for bugs! :)