Do you think I’m kidding (is what I imagine he is saying if he could talk)? :)
Macro Image of the Day
Did you know that the wasp removes excess moisture from their nest by hoovering up water and then expelling it as minuscule water globes, which makes the wasps look like they're blowing perfectly round bubbles? I actually caught the wasp in action today! :
Macro Image of the Day
Life Just Doesn't Get Any Better....
Macro Image of the Day
Harry, the caterpillar :)
Macro Image of the Day
The Fly is about the only thing left outside to photograph :)
Macro Image of the Day
It’s a fly that resembles a monkey :)
Harry :)
Hairy Caterpillar Macro
Asian Lady Beetle
Say Cheese
They're Back....
The tiniest of spiders appeared when taking pics of a sago palm frond. :)
Chisos Mountains @ Big Bend National Park
Milky Way
My first attempt at a Milky Way shot in Marathon TX. If you haven’t been to West Texas and Big Bend National Park, add it to your list!!
I love the rain - it brings out all of the bugs. This baby snail was about the size of half of my fingernail. :)
Have you ever seen the way a praying mantis rocks back and forth right before they are about to attack (or just jump to another spot) - it is extremely creepy. This one was rocking when I took this, but luckily he just jumped to another spot. :)
They're Back!
I have been waiting for a mantis to favorite to photograph. :)
May be my favorite dragonfly to photograph.
Macro Image of the Day
Windows to the Soul. And if you look closely, you can also see our back patio! :)
Macro Image of the Day
I think this is a baby cricket, but not 100% certain. I thought it could be a leafhopper, but I get conflicting results when trying to determine what this is exactly. Does anyone know for certain?